• People under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a guardian at all times. Underage patrons are the responsibility of their guardian.
• Strictly no glass. Any glass will be confiscated on arrival.
• No gas bottles are to be brought into the festival and no fires on site.
• Contactless payments are accepted at the event; we encourage patrons to use card payments as much as possible to decrease the use of cash.
• There will be food stalls at the event which include vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options.
• You're welcome to bring food and alcohol into the event. No glass, illegal substances, weapons, fireworks, flares, generators, cooking equipment or animals allowed into the event.
• No public transport will be provided to the event site; we recommend carpooling to the festival. There will be plenty of onsite parking available. Camping and car parking will be separate to maximise the safety and enjoyment of all attendees.
• Patrons in the overnight parking are not permitted to put their car into gear or move their car in any manner after dark. Please ensure the safety of those around you.
• Tickets will not be refunded due to cancellation of any person or group expected to be at the event by the ticket holder, whether advised or not, or unideal weather conditions. Programming is subject to change at any time without notice.
• Lost, stolen, or damaged festival wristbands will not be replaced.
• Wristbands must be worn at all times at the event.
• Photographs and video will be taken at the event. By attending the event you grant the event organisers full rights to the use of photographs/video for publicity. This may include online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.
• Patrons must allow Goomfest staff to check their car for prohibited items on arrival.
• Entry to Goomfest is only permitted to wristband holders who agree to the terms and conditions of the festival. Goomfest reserves the right to evict any person who does not comply with the terms and conditions and/or does not comply with festival rules and/or is involved in any illegal activity and/or displays any offensive or aggressive behaviour.
• Some of the Artists appearing may use language, lyrics or gestures whilst performing that may be explicit. If such language or behaviour is a concern to you, please do not attend.
• Goomfest takes no responsibility for loss or damage to personal property.
• Ticket holders acknowledge that attending Goomfest has inherent dangers and risks including a risk of serious injury or even death. In the event of injury or illness Goomfest may, at the cost of the ticket holder, arrange medical treatment and/or emergency evacuation as deemed necessary for the safety of the festival ticket holder.
• Entry is at the ticketholders own risk. Appropriate footwear and clothing must be worn at all times at the event. Ear plugs should be worn if necessary and Goomfest takes no responsibility for any hearing damage or loss caused by excessive noise.
• Antisocial and aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated. All patrons have the right to feel physically safe at Goomfest and all patrons are required to respect the physical space and autonomy of others.
• Patrons will be held accountable for any behaviour that violates the rights of others or is considered a criminal offence.
• No loud of offensive noise in the campground at any time.